Best Source For California Legal Forms Written By Sandra McCarthy Founder, A People’s Choice Your options for obtaining legal forms online are seemingly endless. However, some sites are more recognized than others. Plus, while some websites help you prepare the legal documents, others merely offer a selection of blank forms for purchase. On the other hand, you may be able to find free California legal forms, such as California Judicial Council forms and real estate forms. However, using free online legal documents is not always in your best interest. The Pros and Cons of DIY California Legal Forms Although purchasing and completing a simple legal form may seem to satisfy your immediate needs, every person’s situation is different. Oftentimes, many DIY legal forms are intended to address multiple variations of a particular issue. Therefore, it’s very easy to check the wrong box or unsuspectingly complete the form improperly. While online legal forms can be faster and cheaper than hiring a lawyer, other low-cost options provide more extensive assistance. Furthermore, while individuals oftentimes elect to use online California legal forms due to cost-savings, their mistakes often cost them more money! When people use these forms unassisted, they usually find themselves paying substantially more to fix their mistakes. Ultimately, using online California legal forms may seem like the quicker and cheaper option. However, it often opens doors to other problems. In the long run, you may end up paying more than you bargained for. Alternatives to Online Legal Forms Using the services of a legal document assistant is the next best option to obtaining and properly completing California legal forms. Most importantly, legal document assistants provide human interaction. This interaction provides a comfortable, hands-on approach with someone who has prepared this same form hundreds of times before. When it comes to California legal forms, you don’t want to make the mistake of improper completion. The Best Source for California Legal Forms Preparation Assistance If you are in need of particular California legal forms and want professional help in completing them, contact A People’s Choice for low-cost legal document help. Although we cannot give legal advice, we can help you prepare your legal documents without having to hire a lawyer. Get help with your California legal documents today! A People’s Choice can save you hundreds of dollars by preparing your legal documents instead of an expensive attorney! GET STARTED! If you need more information about particular legal forms, do not hesitate to call our office. A People’s Choice has been providing self-help legal document services for over 30 years and has established an excellent reputation in the community. When you are ready to go ahead with your paperwork, you can provide us with information through our convenient online system, over the phone, or in person. We service all courts throughout California. By Sandra McCarthy|June 3rd, 2020|California Courts|2 Comments