Court Call is a service that allows parties in a court case to appear at their scheduled hearing by the phone. If you are unable to personally attend the hearing as scheduled, some courts allow you to appear by phone through CourtCall. CourtCall is a service that allows parties to appear at a hearing by phone and serves Courts and Judges, throughout the United States, Canada and worldwide. Appearing through Court Call is not an option in every county nor with every type of legal proceedings. A Judge’s listing on the CourtCall website does not necessary guarantee that CourtCall Appearances are allowed on all matters and deadlines for scheduling do vary. Each Court and Judge listed will include details on whether video, audio or remote interpretation services are available, participant fees, and whether online scheduling is available. Therefore, you should check with the court to make sure that appearing through Court Call in your particular matter will be permissible. To arrange an appearance through Court Call, visit their website to see if your case is being heard at a participating court.  You will need to register your account and let the court know that you intend to appear at your hearing using Court Call.