Spousal Support Guidelines

Temporary support is generally calculated using a formula. When determining long-term spousal support, the court does not rely on a specific  “formula” to calculate support but rather looks at several other factors such as: Standard of Living – This refers to the couple's standard of living during their marriage. When determining support, the court will [...]

I cannot locate my spouse to serve divorce papers

In order to complete the California divorce process, the other party must be provided legal notice of the divorce proceedings. This can be done by 1) voluntary acceptance of the documents, 2) personal service of the documents, or 3) legal publication. Using Investigator in California Divorce To Locate Spouse If you have filed a California divorce, cannot [...]

By |February 3rd, 2021|, , |Comments Off on I cannot locate my spouse to serve divorce papers

What document is considered my divorce decree?

When a California divorce Judgment has been entered, there are two important documents. Judgment (FL-180) Notice of Entry of Judgment (FL-190) The Judgment has the details of the division of assets, debts, child support, custody, visitation, etc. If the parties sign a Marital Settlement Agreement, that is typically attached to and is a part of [...]

By |February 2nd, 2021|, , |Comments Off on What document is considered my divorce decree?

How long does it take to settle an uncontested divorce?

Most uncontested divorces can be resolved within 2 to 7 months. California family law requires a six-month period from the time the respondent is served with the court summons and divorce papers to allow a divorce to be finalized. This means a judgment for divorce can be entered six months from the day the respondent [...]

By |January 30th, 2021|, , |Comments Off on How long does it take to settle an uncontested divorce?

How soon can a Judgment of divorce be entered in California?

Once you file the divorce petition and serve it on your spouse, the earliest effective date of termination of marital status will be six months and 1 day from the date your spouse was served the divorce papers. The actual Judgment can be entered prior to this termination date and can be submitted  to the [...]

By |January 30th, 2021|, , |Comments Off on How soon can a Judgment of divorce be entered in California?

What is an uncontested divorce?

An uncontested divorce is when both parties agree to the settlement terms of the divorce. This means that the parties agree on the division of assets, debts, child custody and visitation, child support, retirement benefits, and alimony. An uncontested divorce means there no issues in disagreement between the parties that require the court to resolve.

By |January 29th, 2021|, , |Comments Off on What is an uncontested divorce?

What is the residency requirement for California divorce?

The residency requirement for California divorce provides that at least one of the spouses has to have been a resident of the state of California for at least six months before filing the divorce petition. You must also live in the county where you file the divorce petition for at least three months before filing. If neither spouse meets [...]

By |January 28th, 2021|, |Comments Off on What is the residency requirement for California divorce?

What are the steps for an uncontested divorce?

In order for our office to provide the lowest cost of services to our clients, we have made every effort to streamline the legal process into several easy, defined steps to help you complete your  proceedings in the most efficient way. Here is what you should expect when using A People's Choice for your divorce, [...]

By |January 24th, 2021|, |Comments Off on What are the steps for an uncontested divorce?

How can I settle my divorce without going to court?

If you and your spouse cannot agree, you may be able to use mediation to resolve your divorce disputes. Mediation allows each party to discuss concerns and specific issues that need to be resolved. If divorce issues can be settled through mediation, then the divorce case can proceed as an uncontested matter and most likely [...]

By |January 23rd, 2021|, |Comments Off on How can I settle my divorce without going to court?