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Quick and Easy Way on How to Get a Divorce in California

By |February 8th, 2021|Divorce, Family Law|

The decision to divorce can be a painful one, so many people want to finish the process as quickly as possible. However, there is a specific timeline couples must follow before official termination of their marriage. Hiring a legal document preparation assistant can help you get a judgment within 45 days and avoid further waiting time for incomplete or incorrect forms.

3 Helpful Steps to Divorce and Divide Retirement

By |July 6th, 2019|Family Law|

Most couples think their most valuable community property asset is their house. Surprisingly, however, the most valuable asset is often their retirement plan. Just as with other community assets, a divorcing couple must settle retirement division. In general, the law considers retirement benefits accrued during the marriage until the time of separation as community property. This article will explain the steps to divide retirement in divorce.

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The Pre-Divorce Checklist: How to Prepare for Divorce in California

By |January 21st, 2021|Divorce|

You never thought the dire divorce statistics in the US would ever include you, right? Even if it seems like a nightmare, don’t wait too long to get started on your divorce planning. Your soon-to-be-ex is likely already laying a plan to get the most they can from a settlement, and you don’t want [...]

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What You Need to Know About Divorce Alimony

By |November 22nd, 2020|Divorce|

In California, spousal or partner support can be temporary or permanent. “Permanent alimony” can go on indefinitely. On the other hand, "temporary alimony" is awarded as a transitional stop-gap until the spouse receiving the alimony can get on their feet. Couples that are divorcing amicably can also agree to the amount and duration of the alimony in their marital settlement agreement. Alimony obligations usually have a pre-set end date. Sometimes, however, the obligation to pay divorce alimony is open-ended meaning the court retains the ability to modify or extend the support indefinitely.

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How to Have an Amicable Divorce

By |November 22nd, 2020|Divorce|

Keeping things professional instead of adversarial is what makes an amicable divorce amicable; hiring a certified legal document assistant can help you avoid blaming each other for excessive spending or clerical errors. Contact A People’s Choice to prepare the documents in your amicable divorce.

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How Domestic Partnership Affects the California Divorce Timeline

By |October 14th, 2020|Divorce, Family Law|

You may be familiar with the California divorce timeline for married couples, but what about domestic partners? Does domestic partnership status affect how long it will take to finalize a divorce? How are the laws different for domestic partners and married couples terminating their partnerships? Read on to find out.

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Divorce Advice for Men Fighting for Custody

By |October 11th, 2020|Divorce, Family Law|

Divorce is not easy for men OR women; however, battling for child custody can be even more difficult for fathers. For example, many people automatically assume a mother will be granted sole physical custody of their child after a divorce. As a result, it's important for men to learn how to increase their chances of acquiring custody, granted that it is in the child's best interest.

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Creative Ways to Divide Property in Divorce

By |January 1st, 2019|Family Law|

When a couple files for divorce, one thing that is inevitable is dividing their property. In California, the rule is that all community property assets (any income and assets acquired during the marriage) must be split 50/50. A couple could sell all of the marital assets and split the proceeds if they would like, but there are more creative ways to divide property in divorce. Sometimes a couple just needs to think outside the box.

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Understanding The Six Month Waiting Period for Divorce in California

By |April 4th, 2021|Family Law, Divorce|

What is California's six month waiting period for divorce, and what does it mean for you? Oftentimes, this period is also referred to as the "cooling off" time for couples to determine if they'd like to reconcile. Additionally, it establishes the first day individuals may legally remarry. Read on to learn more about the six month waiting period in California divorce and how A People's Choice can help you.

Ex Parte Motions in Divorce and When to File Them

By |December 29th, 2018|Family Law|

When divorcing spouses get upset, it can be tempting to file an ex parte motion. An ex parte motion literally means a motion where only one party of the case is present. Because the motions are decided quickly, without giving the other party time to prepare an opposition or explain their side, ex parte motions in divorce are only to be used in an emergency situation.

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How to Comply With Financial Disclosure Requirements in California Divorce 

By |April 24th, 2020|Family Law|

California family law courts require mandatory financial disclosures between parties in all divorce cases. These disclosures are intended to make settlement negotiations easier by providing transparency regarding the marital estate’s assets and debts. Read on to learn more about how to prepare the mandatory financial disclosures and which disclosures can be waived in a California divorce.

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Divorce and Co-Parenting: The Benefits of Creating a Co-Parenting Plan

By |August 30th, 2020|Family Law|

Divorces are never easy for the separating parties, but they can be especially difficult for any children involved. Sometimes, these children feel caught in the middle of a toxic relationship between their two divorced parents. Therefore, it's important to consider your child's overall wellbeing when determining your parenting plans. More specifically, establishing a co-parenting plan with your ex and relying on respectful communication can help your child feel loved and secure.

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California Divorce

By |March 11th, 2021|

Our California Divorce Services Make Sure Beneficiaries Receive Their Inheritance When it’s time to legally move on, we’re here to help. Start Divorce Forms Talk to an Expert Trustpilot DIY Divorce Most Affordable Choice Professionally prepared documents you can file yourself. • Documents Only [...]

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Online California Divorce

By |January 27th, 2025|

Online California Divorce Make Sure Beneficiaries Receive Their Inheritance When it’s time to legally move on, we’re here to help. Let’s Explore the Divorce Process Together Affordable Online Divorce in California Ease through your California divorce with A People’s Choice by your side. We’re [...]

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How to Get an Affordable Divorce in California

By |November 22nd, 2020|Divorce|

The best option for an affordable divorce is to hire someone with up-to-date expert knowledge on court documents and legal paperwork. That person is a legal document assistant, who holds a certificate verifying their extensive professional knowledge of California legal documents. Legal document assistants do not charge exorbitant hourly rates or bill you for every minute that any employee in their office devotes to your case.

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