A People’s Choice™, LegalZoom™, Easy Legal, We The People™, Team Legal, US Legal Forms, RocketLawyer™…the list of self-help legal providers is endless. If you are in need of legal document preparation you will probably want to spend some time to compare online legal services.
It may surprise you, but not all non-attorney legal document preparation services are the same! In today’s digital world, there are hundreds of online legal document services offering different types of non-attorney legal document preparation. People can even buy blank legal forms online. Although these services may appear to be the same, often there are many distinct differences such as:
– the type of legal document preparation service they offer,
– what the service includes, and
– the price of the service.
When you compare online legal services, you will learn how A People’s Choice is a competitive, more personalized alternative to LegalZoom™, We The People™, RocketLawyer™, and other services. You will discover what makes us different from other companies, and learn how we can save you hundreds of dollars by preparing your California court and other legal documents instead of an expensive attorney!
A People’s Choice has been preparing legal documents for the public for over 40 years – longer than LegalZoom™, We The People™, RocketLawyer™ and others. Over the years many companies have started up; but as our customers have learned, when you compare online legal services, not all legal document preparation companies are the same. In our 40+ years of operation, A People’s Choice has uniquely designed our services to meet the varied needs of consumers who seek low-cost, professional legal document preparation services. We are not a forms service nor do we sell legal forms. Our custom legal documents are prepared based on specific facts, circumstances, and needs.
Although we are a corporation, we are not a corporate conglomerate that has lost sight of the importance of one-on-one personal service. Every client’s case is handled with personalized care. Exceptional service and customer satisfaction have always been one of our highest priorities.
Although A People’s Choice offers an optional online interview portal for our customers, we are not a typical online service. All documents are personally completed by staff with whom you can communicate while we are helping you and who will be familiar with your case.
We encourage people to compare online legal services by shopping around and educating themselves with what various online service providers offer. Ask yourself the following questions:
Why settle for less when you can get the best services available by calling A People’s Choice today!
When you compare online legal services, what makes A People’s Choice a leading non-attorney online legal services provider for California legal documents and legal forms? The information below will highlight some of the differences as you compare online services, what they offer and what they don’t.
A People’s Choice is a registered legal document assistant’s office established in 1980 and offers personal one-on-one service. Same day service is available for many document preparation services at no additional cost. All legal documents are prepared on-site. An optional, convenient online interview service is also available for many services. Flat fees include unlimited live help. A People’s Choice offers legal document preparation for most routine types of legal paperwork and the documents prepared are in compliance with the local rules of the court in which they are filed. Clients receive a free informational booklet. In addition to preparing and filing documents with the court, cases are monitored to completion. A People’s Choice has hundreds of 5-star online reviews on Goggle, Superpages, and Yelp, and has an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau. Fees are generally substantially lower than most online legal service providers.
LegalZoom is a registered legal document assistant’s office established in 2001. They do not offer personal one-on-one service and interviews are conducted online through a document processing portal. LegalZoom offers same-day processing for some services for an extra fee. They do advertise phone representative help but the representatives are not familiar with the documentation nor seem knowledgeable about the legal forms. LegalZoom does not offer court processing of documents nor general case monitoring. LegalZoom is limited to the types of non-attorney legal document services they offer. For example, they do not offer non-attorney legal document preparation for bankruptcy or probate. Documents prepared may not be county-specific nor conform to local rules of a particular court. Their online reviews are from 1 star to 5-stars. The biggest complaint is poor customer service and long delays in completing the documents. Fees can be lower or higher than other legal service providers, depending on the type of documents being prepared.
We the People is no longer a franchise and We the People stores are now individually owned. Companies using the We the People trademark name pay a monthly directory fee for the use of the name. Most stores were established in the 1990s. The franchise organizer ultimately filed bankruptcy due to multiple lawsuits filed against them. Many We the People stores closed when the franchise went under. The few that remain have various scores from F to A with the Better Business Bureau and online reviewers. The surviving stores are individually owned and operated. There is no consistency or continuity between the various stores nor the type of services they offer. Their fees are generally higher than other online legal service providers.
Rocket Lawyer is fairly new to the legal document service arena. They are a subscription-based service and all documents are generated through an online portal interview system allowing the customer to prepare their own legal documents. Their service is geared towards forms only and Rocket Lawyer does not offer any legal document preparation services for matters such as divorce, probate, bankruptcy, etc. Fees are generally higher than other online legal service providers. Their online reviews are poor and the biggest complaint pertains to difficulty canceling the recurring monthly $40 charge. Since Rocket Lawyer is a subscription-based service, overall fees can be higher than other legal service providers, depending on the type of documents being prepared. Their site promotes using their fee-based lawyers to review documents you have prepared through their portal.
A People’s Choice can save you hundreds of dollars by preparing your legal documents!
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