
What You Should Know about Mental Incapacity Divorce in California

Divorce isn’t easy. You have to agree on difficult topics like custody of children and division of property, all while dealing with painful emotions. A mental incapacity divorce in California complicates things even further. It's not enough to show that your spouse acts erratically or irrationally; they have to fit very specific criteria for [...]

How Can I Have an Amicable Divorce in California?

Divorce is not fun. Married couples seeking a dissolution of their marriage often must undergo an agonizing and lengthy legal process. However, it does not have to be that way. Luckily, there comes a less painful and complicated alternative—the amicable divorce. Many people wonder how an amicable divorce is even possible. For one, it [...]

By |August 23rd, 2021|Divorce|Comments Off on How Can I Have an Amicable Divorce in California?

How to Prepare for a Divorce in California

Going through a divorce or any sort of legal separation is never easy. If you need to file for divorce, you might be wondering what you will need to make sure this process moves quickly including the subdivision of marital property. The good news is that by knowing the steps and understanding how normal [...]

By |August 18th, 2021|Divorce|Comments Off on How to Prepare for a Divorce in California

How to Get an Uncontested Divorce in California: Your Complete Guide

In uncontested divorces, couples amicably agree on all terms of their divorce, eliminating the need for prolonged court trials and reducing both emotional and financial strain. Navigating an uncontested divorce in California can streamline your separation process, offering a quicker and more cost-effective solution compared to the contested divorce alternative. Whether you're exploring how [...]

By |July 19th, 2021|California Courts, Divorce|Comments Off on How to Get an Uncontested Divorce in California: Your Complete Guide

8 Steps to Divorce in California [2022]

Filing for divorce in California needs some due diligence and proper planning. To ensure you follow the right steps to divorce in the Golden State, you need to know what the applicable law (divorce law). The divorce process entails some legal procedures (steps) that lead to a default judgment. As a divorcing spouse, you [...]

By |June 28th, 2021|Divorce|Comments Off on 8 Steps to Divorce in California [2022]