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How to Form an LLC Without an Attorney

By |July 22nd, 2020|Business|

Are you wondering how to form an LLC without hiring an attorney? If so, read on for our five step process for forming an LLC with A People's Choice, a registered legal document assistant. Plus, learn some of the benefits of forming a limited liability company, and determine whether it's right for you.

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California Estate Planning for Single Parents

By |February 6th, 2021|Estate Planning|

Every parent worries about what will happen to his or her children after the parent dies, but single parents have double the worries. If you are married, the default option is that your children will stay with your spouse. They may remain living in the same house, and your spouse will most likely continue to work to take care of them financially. As horrible as it is to think about your spouse and children having to adjust to life without you, it is even scarier to think about your children’s future without you if you are a single parent.  Therefore, it is important for single parents to get started on estate planning — even single parents who are young and healthy.

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Benefits of Restating a Trust

By |August 12th, 2019|Estate Planning|

If you have thought at all about estate planning, congratulations! You have already saved your family lots of hassle and expense. If you have set up a living trust, even better; you are very well prepared. However, even the best-laid plans sometimes change. When this happens, you might find yourself in the position of restating a trust. 

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What is a Joinder?   

By |July 6th, 2019|California Courts, Family Law|

Legal proceedings can be a complicated process. Sometimes, unexpected people and parties have an interest in the legal process. When this is the case, you must add them to the legal proceedings before you can fully resolve the case. You will use a joinder to do this. So what is a Joinder, and how does it affect a legal matter?

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Serving Legal Documents With No Address

By |July 6th, 2019|California Courts|

A court will not hear a case until the defendant or the opposing party has personally received a court summons and a copy of the complaint or petition. Usually, defendants receive these documents by personal delivery, substituted service, or service by mail. Unfortunately, serving legal documents gets complicated without the defendant's address. Here's what you need to know when serving legal documents with no address.

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Steps to Settle Revocable Trust After Trustee’s Death

By |July 21st, 2019|Estate Planning|

To settle revocable trust assets after the trustee's death, you will follow a process similar to probating a will but without the court process. With this in mind, there are a few differences you must know. The successor trustee must follow specific steps to handle this process correctly. If you leave anything out, then the revocable trust may not be settled. A People's Choice can help you navigate the sometimes complicated process of how to settle a revocable trust after the trustee's death.

Power of Attorney – What it Can and Cannot Do

By |June 1st, 2019|Estate Planning|

A power of attorney is a legal document that allows you to appoint another person to manage your affairs in the event you become incapacitated. There are different types of power of attorneys. Each type permits the person you appointed, known as the "attorney-in-fact," to exercise different degrees of control over your affairs. They may be able to control your finances, make decisions about your health, or both. Most people do not realize there are different variations of this designation.

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Simi Valley Legal Assistance

By |May 29th, 2014|

Legal Document Assistance, Simi Valley | A People's Choice A People's choice is here to make legal documents fast, easy and hassle-free. Many routine legal proceedings do not require an attorney. Our office provides an inexpensive way for you to get the legal document preparation services you need at a cost [...]

Special Needs Trust and California ABLE Accounts for People with Disabilities

By |June 1st, 2019|Estate Planning|

In order for a disabled person to receive disability benefits, such as Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Medicaid, he/she must demonstrate that he/she needs the income to live independently.  Any assets, even gifts from family members, may be counted against him/her, and could reduce his/her benefits. There are two ways that family members can contribute to a disabled person without those contributions affecting their benefits- special needs trusts and California ABLE accounts.

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How to Amend a Living Trust

By |April 10th, 2018|Estate Planning|

Need to amend a living trust? A People’s Choice offers non-attorney estate planning services and can help to amend your living trust. You can save hundreds of dollars to amend a living trust by using a regisered legal document assistant rather than hiring a lawyer. Here are the steps you need to amend a living trust.

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How to Reconvey a Deed of Trust

By |August 21st, 2017|Estate Planning|

People often confuse the term "Grant Deed" vs "Deed of Trust". A deed signifies the passage of property ownership from one person to another. Transferring title to real property can be completed by a Grant Deed, Quitclaim Deed, Interspousal Transfer Deed, Trust Transfer Deed or other type of deed that transfers ownership/title. On the contrary, [...]

Trust Administration – What is It?

By |September 2nd, 2016|Estate Planning|

Trust administration is not a court ordered process. It involves the transfer of property from the creator of the trust to the trust’s beneficiaries. Unlike probate proceedings, trust administration allows for the simple distribution of property to beneficiaries. Read on to learn more about trust administration. Get Trust Administration help [...]

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