California Probate Help – Do It Yourself and Save Money

California probates completed by attorneys almost always come with statutory fees based on the size of the estate. Therefore, anyone looking for a cheaper way to file probate on a friend's or family's estate should look into working with a legal document assistant. Contact A People's Choice today for more information on how we can help you complete the probate process for a flat fee.

By |April 24th, 2020|Categories: Estate Planning|2 Comments

How a Fill-in-the-Blank Will Can Go Wrong

If you're considering creating a will with a DIY fill-in-the-blank service such as LegalZoom or Nolo, be sure to read up on the consequences beforehand. Unfortunately, wills created with these services often result in incorrectly distributed estates. Luckily, registered legal document assistants like A People's Choice are here to help.

By |April 24th, 2020|Categories: Estate Planning|Comments Off on How a Fill-in-the-Blank Will Can Go Wrong

Pros and Cons of Holding Property in Joint Tenancy

Many married couples and parents and children elect to hold property in joint tenancy. Joint tenancy is a great option for anyone looking to avoid probate. However, there are some downsides to this form of title; therefore, business partners and friends may be better off choosing an alternative.

By |April 22nd, 2020|Categories: Estate Planning|Comments Off on Pros and Cons of Holding Property in Joint Tenancy

When a Spouse Dies – Legal Checklist and Important Questions Answered

When a spouse dies, funeral arrangements and grieving with family members can make settling the deceased's estate that much more challenging. To simplify the process, we've created a legal checklist and answered your most common questions to ensure you don't miss any important steps. If you need assistance during this difficult time, give A People's Choice a call.

By |March 31st, 2020|Categories: Estate Planning|3 Comments

Benefits of Restating a Trust

If you have thought at all about estate planning, congratulations! You have already saved your family lots of hassle and expense. If you have set up a living trust, even better; you are very well prepared. However, even the best-laid plans sometimes change. When this happens, you might find yourself in the position of restating a trust. 

By |August 12th, 2019|Categories: Estate Planning|Comments Off on Benefits of Restating a Trust

Title Insurance Problems With Transfer on Death Deed

Certain legal terms cause people to clutch their wallets in fear. With regard to income taxes, people fear the word “audit". In family law, they fear the word “alimony”. The scariest word in estate planning is “probate,” which refers to the process by which the court effectively dictates what happens to a deceased person’s property. Knowing the term "transfer on death deed" can make probate far less scary. Unfortunately, since the implementation of this new estate planning tool, people are discovering title insurance problems with transfer on death deeds.

By |July 31st, 2019|Categories: Estate Planning|2 Comments

A People’s Choice
is a registered Legal Document Assistant service. We are dedicated to providing low-cost, self-help legal document preparation services for California consumers. Read more…

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