Family Law Archives: Family law news, resources and more for consumers seeking information about divorce, legal separation, annulment, child custody, child visitation, child support, spousal support, paternity and terminating domestic partnership relationships in California

How Domestic Partnership Affects the California Divorce Timeline

You may be familiar with the California divorce timeline for married couples, but what about domestic partners? Does domestic partnership status affect how long it will take to finalize a divorce? How are the laws different for domestic partners and married couples terminating their partnerships? Read on to find out.

By |October 14th, 2020|Divorce, Family Law|Comments Off on How Domestic Partnership Affects the California Divorce Timeline

Divorce Advice for Men Fighting for Custody

Divorce is not easy for men OR women; however, battling for child custody can be even more difficult for fathers. For example, many people automatically assume a mother will be granted sole physical custody of their child after a divorce. As a result, it's important for men to learn how to increase their chances of acquiring custody, granted that it is in the child's best interest.

By |October 11th, 2020|Divorce, Family Law|Comments Off on Divorce Advice for Men Fighting for Custody

Adultery Laws in California

If your spouse has cheated on you, you may be wondering whether their adultery is punishable by California law. Read on to learn the definition of adultery in California, state laws on adultery, and how cheating can affect divorce proceedings. Then, feel free to contact A People's Choice for assistance with completing and filing your divorce paperwork.

Mediation and Child Custody: Process Description and Preparation Tips

Sometimes, mediation for child custody agreements is mandated by the court. During mediation, parties will typically have the opportunity to present their concerns to the mediator and to the other parent. Then, the mediator will provide both parents with the necessary tools to reach an agreement on contested issues. However, there are tips that parents can use to reach this agreement more quickly. Read on to learn more about mediation for child support in California, and how you can prepare for it.

California Divorce Residency Requirements: Where to File for Divorce in California

What are the residency requirements for filing divorce in California, and do you meet them? If not, what happens? Luckily, there are some simple solutions to typical residency requirement issues with California divorce. Read on to learn more, then contact A People's Choice to learn how we can assist you with completing and filing your divorce paperwork!

By |August 31st, 2020|Family Law|Comments Off on California Divorce Residency Requirements: Where to File for Divorce in California

Benefits of Establishing Paternity for California Mothers and Fathers

Why would a father want to establish paternity in California? Plus, what are the benefits to mothers when paternity is established? Read on to learn about California paternity laws including benefits, costs, and state-specific regulations. Then, contact A People's Choice for help creating and filing a petition!

By |August 30th, 2020|Family Law|Comments Off on Benefits of Establishing Paternity for California Mothers and Fathers

Divorce and Co-Parenting: The Benefits of Creating a Co-Parenting Plan

Divorces are never easy for the separating parties, but they can be especially difficult for any children involved. Sometimes, these children feel caught in the middle of a toxic relationship between their two divorced parents. Therefore, it's important to consider your child's overall wellbeing when determining your parenting plans. More specifically, establishing a co-parenting plan with your ex and relying on respectful communication can help your child feel loved and secure.

By |August 30th, 2020|Family Law|Comments Off on Divorce and Co-Parenting: The Benefits of Creating a Co-Parenting Plan