Family Law Archives: Family law news, resources and more for consumers seeking information about divorce, legal separation, annulment, child custody, child visitation, child support, spousal support, paternity and terminating domestic partnership relationships in California

California Family Support Order in Divorce

If you're considering requesting court orders for child or spousal support during your California divorce, you may instead benefit from family support orders! These special orders combine child and spousal support into one payment. Plus, they come with tax benefits for the paying and receiving spouse. Read on to learn more to determine whether family support orders are right for you.

Calculating Child Support Under California Guidelines

Did you know that life circumstances such as income and even overtime have a direct effect on California guideline child support orders? In fact, the court uses this and other important information to determine which parent will have to pay, and how much. Read on to learn what else they consider when making support orders, and how your life situation will affect the outcome.

What Is a Qualified Domestic Relations Order?

Diving property during a divorce is overwhelming; as a result, many couples forget about their retirement savings! In fact, a qualified domestic relations order (QDRO) ensures that a portion of one spouse's retirement benefits are transferred to the other spouse upon divorce. However, there are certain legal requirements and regulations that limit QDROs. Read on to learn more.

An Inexpensive, Simple Alternative to Ventura’s County Self Help Center

Have you ever arrived at the Ventura County Self Help Center only to discover 100 people in line ahead of you? To make matters worse, most people who use the Self Help Center have already taken the day off from work! Luckily, there is an inexpensive alternative to using this government service. A People's Choice offers low-cost, flat-fee legal document preparation services to simplify your legal proceeding and AVOID the hassle of the Self Help Center.

By |August 9th, 2020|Personal, California Courts, Family Law|Comments Off on An Inexpensive, Simple Alternative to Ventura’s County Self Help Center

What Can You Do When Your Divorce is Taking Too Long?

While all divorces take at least six months to finalize, divorce does NOT have to be a lengthy process. Believe it or not, some divorces can be delayed due to a lack of urgency by your attorney! On the other hand, disputed matters such as child support and alimony can also slow down the process. However, when you work with a legal document assistant, we have no reason to delay, as all of our services are a flat fee! Reach out today to learn how we can help you speed up your divorce finalization.

How to Petition for Visitation in Guardianship Cases

Parents and grandparents who have trouble visiting their children or grandchildren may choose to petition the court for visitation rights. Usually, unless a parent is abusive or threatening to a child, the court will grant the parent visiting rights. Also, there are specific circumstances under which grandparents may be granted these rights. Read on to learn more about guardianship visitation rights and how a legal document assistant can help with the process.