Family Law Archives: Family law news, resources and more for consumers seeking information about divorce, legal separation, annulment, child custody, child visitation, child support, spousal support, paternity and terminating domestic partnership relationships in California

The Importance and Purpose of Single Parent Estate Planning

As a single parent, it's important to plan for the worst to ensure your children's protection in case of an emergency. For example, a power of attorney can appoint a trusted friend or family member to handle your finances. Plus, you may want to choose a guardian for your children in the case of your incapacitation or untimely death. Read on for more tips on making these important decisions.

By |July 31st, 2020|Estate Planning, Family Law|Comments Off on The Importance and Purpose of Single Parent Estate Planning

How to Transfer a Family Law Case to Another California County

There are a few reasons parties may want to move their family law case to a different California county. For example, maybe the petitioner originally filed the case with the wrong court. On the other hand, perhaps the parties have moved and the current court is no longer convenient. Whatever the reasons for transferring a family law case, there are specific steps you must take to do so. Read on to learn more.

Modifying Child Support Orders in California

If you've experienced a change in personal circumstances that affects your ability to pay child support, you may want to modify your current child support order. Read on to learn what the court considers when modifying child support orders, and how A People's Choice can help.

By |June 3rd, 2020|Family Law|Comments Off on Modifying Child Support Orders in California

California Child Support: A Parent’s Guide

According to California law, every child has the right to receive financial support from both legal parents. If the parents do not live together and the children divide their time between their parents, then the goal is for the children to have the same standard of living in both households. The amount of California child support is based on each parent’s income, how many days per year the children spend with each parent, and certain necessary expenses. You do not need a lawyer to get a court order for child support. A more affordable option is to have a registered legal document assistant prepare your child support forms.

By |June 2nd, 2020|Family Law|Comments Off on California Child Support: A Parent’s Guide

Completing Financial Disclosures in California Divorce

Whether your divorce is contested or uncontested, at least one spouse will be required to complete financial disclosures. In this article, we describe the financial disclosure process and provide a reference list of everything each spouse must disclose. Read on to learn more.

By |June 1st, 2020|Family Law|Comments Off on Completing Financial Disclosures in California Divorce

How Divorce Affects Children: The Good and The Bad

Divorce affects every child differently. However, children with divorced parents oftentimes experience negative effects of the divorce. These negative effects may be manifested in poor social-emotional development or academic performance. Luckily, there are some positive effects of divorce on children. Read on to learn more.

By |May 29th, 2020|Family Law|Comments Off on How Divorce Affects Children: The Good and The Bad

Establishing Paternity and Child Support Orders in California

Raising a child is expensive, and doing so on your own is often not financially feasible. Therefore, many single parents must establish a paternity and child support order in California. While this process is complicated and involves many steps, you do not necessarily need to hire an attorney to complete it. Contact A People's Choice today to learn more.

By |May 27th, 2020|Family Law|Comments Off on Establishing Paternity and Child Support Orders in California

How To Collect Child Support Arrears

Collecting child support arrears, or child support owed to you, is often a complicated and lengthy process. Thankfully, you have several options available to help you. For example, the Department of Child Support Services is available in the state of California. However, for a faster option, consider working with a registered legal document assistant like A People's Choice.

Divorce Mediation: Everything You Need to Know

Are you considering a getting a divorce in California? If so, you may want to consider divorce mediation! Divorce mediation is a low-cost, fast way to settle issues and finalize a judgment. Additionally, it's a great option for parties who are amicable and willing to compromise.

By |May 21st, 2020|Family Law|Comments Off on Divorce Mediation: Everything You Need to Know